Afternoon Light

Welcome to the Afternoon Light Podcast, a captivating journey into the heart of Australia’s political history and enduring values. Presented by the Robert Menzies Institute, a prime ministerial library and museum, this podcast illuminates the remarkable legacy of Sir Robert Menzies, Australia’s longest-serving prime minister. Dive into the rich tapestry of Menzies’s contemporary impact as we explore his profound contributions on the Afternoon Light Podcast. Join us as we delve into his unyielding commitment to equality, boundless opportunity, and unwavering entrepreneurial spirit. Our engaging discussions bring to life the relevance of Menzies’s values in today’s world, inspiring us to uphold his principles for a brighter future. Ready to embark on this enlightening journey? Experience the Afternoon Light Podcast now! Tune in to explore the past, engage with the present, and shape a better tomorrow by learning from the visionary leadership of Sir Robert Menzies. Stay connected by signing up on the Robert Menzies Institute website: Have an opinion? Email your comments to:

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Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Donald Horne’s The Lucky Country is one of the most iconic books ever written on Australia. While many people miss the ironic nature of the title, the work helped to establish the stereotype of the 1950s and early 60s as a dull and suffocating period in which nothing much happened in our nation. But who was Horne, and what caused him to have such cynicism about the state of his country? Joining us to unpack Horne's fascinating story is biographer Ryan Cropp.
Dr Ryan Cropp, writer and historian, is a Research Fellow at the University of Sydney. He is the author of Donald Horne: A Life in the Luck Country. His writing has appeared in Australian Book Review, Overland and Inside Story.

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

In this special summer series of the Afternoon Light podcast you can enjoy the presentations delivered at our November 2023 conference entitled ‘The Menzies Ascendency: Implementing a Liberal Agenda and Consolidating Gains 1954-1961’. This sixth episode features Stephen Wilks’s paper ‘Falling Dully On His Ears: Menzies, Bolte, and the Travails of Australian Federalism’, Lyndon Megarrity’s paper ‘Menzies, Queensland and the 1961 Election’ (begins 23:26), and Greg Melleuish’s paper ‘Was Menzies Lucky?’ (begins 44:25).
Dr Stephen Wilks studied economic history at Monash University before embarking on a mixed career in government based in Canberra and overseas. This was leavened by a shadow career writing reviews and articles on Australian history and much else, prior to returning to study in the School of History at ANU. He is now a Lecturer in the ANU’s National Centre of Biography, and is author of ‘Now is the Psychological Moment’: Earle Page and the Imagining of Australia (ANU Press, 2020). He recently completed a project funded by the Department of the House of Representatives, published by ANU Press as ‘Order, Order!’: A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives, and is now researching the Bolte premiership.
Dr Lyndon Megarrity is adjunct lecturer at James Cook University in Townsville and teaches history and political science. His research interests include Queensland, Northern Australia, and overseas student policy. He is also the author or co-author of several books, including Northern Dreams: The Politics of Northern Development in Australia, which won the 2019 Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award. With Carolyn Holbrook and David Lowe, he co-edited Lessons from History (NewSouth, 2022), a collection of essays on contemporary issues and debates informed by history. Megarrity’s forthcoming book will be the first ever biography of Dr Rex Patterson, Minister for Northern Australia in the Whitlam Government.
Professor Gregory Melleuish is a Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Inquiry at the University of Wollongong, where he teaches, among other things, Australian politics. He has written widely on Australian political thought, including Cultural Liberalism in Australia (1995) and Despotic State or Free Individual (2014), and is considered one of the leading experts on Australian liberalism and conservatism. He co-wrote The Forgotten Menzies (2021) with Stephen Chavura and has also published peer-reviewed journal articles discussing Menzies.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

In this special summer series of the Afternoon Light podcast you can enjoy the presentations delivered at our November 2023 conference entitled ‘The Menzies Ascendency: Implementing a Liberal Agenda and Consolidating Gains 1954-1961’. This fifth episode features David Furse-Roberts’ paper ‘Standing for the ‘most ample provision in respect of old age and sickness’: The Menzies Government and health reform’, Damien Freeman & Andrew Bragg’s paper ‘Menzies, Hasluck, Wentworth and Indigenous Peoples’ (begins 19:35), and Julian Leeser’s address ‘Menzies on Presbyterians, Catholics and Jews. Lessons on religious freedom for today’ (begins 40:19).
Dr David Furse-Roberts is a Research Fellow at the Menzies Research Centre. He holds a PhD in history from the University of NSW and is the editor of Howard: The Art of Persuasion (2018) and Menzies: The Forgotten Speeches (2017). Since joining the MRC in 2016, he has written for Quadrant, Spectator Australia, and other publications on the history and contemporary relevance of liberalism in Australia. In 2021 he published God and Menzies: The Faith that Shaped a Prime Minister and his Nation.
Dr Damien Freeman was the Principal Policy Advisor at the PM Glynn Institute, ACU and is the author of several papers for the Centre for Independent Studies including “Radical Conservatism: tradition as a guide to change” and monographs including Killer Kramer: Dame Leonie - a woman for all seasons and Abbott’s Right: the conservative tradition from Menzies to Abbott as well as the editor of numerous collections including Faith’s Place: democracy in a religious world.
Senator Andrew Bragg is a Senator for New South Wales with a particular interest in the history of the Liberal Party and Indigenous affairs, having written Buraadja: the liberal case for national reconciliation.
Julian Leeser MP has been the Federal Member for Berowra since 2016. He was formerly Shadow Attorney General and Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs, and prior to entering parliament served as Executive Director of the Menzies Research Centre. Julian is the first Jewish person elected to the House of Representatives from New South Wales for the Liberal Party.

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

In this special summer series of the Afternoon Light podcast you can enjoy the presentations delivered at our November 2023 conference entitled ‘The Menzies Ascendency: Implementing a Liberal Agenda and Consolidating Gains 1954-1961’. This fourth episode features Andrew Norton’s paper ‘Menzies and Higher Education’, Ted Ling’s paper ‘Robert Menzies, Canberra’s Apostle’ (begins 23:35), and Michael de Percy’s paper ‘Australia in the Atomic Age: Menzies’s legacy and nuclear’s unrealised potential’ (begins 46:05).
Professor Andrew Norton is Professor in the Practice of Higher Education Policy at the Centre for Social Research and Methods at the Australian National University. He was previously the Higher Education Program Director at the Grattan Institute. In the late 1990s he was higher education adviser to the then Minister for Education, Dr David Kemp.
Dr Ted Ling is a former employee of the National Archives of Australia and the National Library of Australia. He has a personal interest in the former National Capital Development Commission established by the Menzies government in late 1957 to coordinate Canberra’s expansion and development. Ted is the author of the research guides on Government Records about the Australian Capital Territory, published in 2013 and the records relating to former Prime Minister Robert Menzies, published in 2021. Ted also has a PhD in Northern Territory history from Charles Darwin University in 2010.
Dr Michael de Percy FRSA FCILT is Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Canberra. His qualifications include a PhD in Political Science from the Australian National University, a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) from the University of Canberra, and a Bachelor of Arts from Deakin University. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College, Duntroon, where he received the Royal Australian Artillery prize. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport and Vice-Chair of the ACT and Southern NSW Chapter, Vice President of the Telecommunications Association (TelSoc - Australia's oldest learned society), Public Policy Editor of the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, and a member of the Australian Nuclear Association. He was appointed to the Australian Research Council's College of Experts in 2022.

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

In this special summer series of the Afternoon Light podcast you can enjoy the presentations delivered at our November 2023 conference entitled ‘The Menzies Ascendency: Implementing a Liberal Agenda and Consolidating Gains 1954-1961’. This third episode features Bob Bowker’s paper ‘Menzies, Eisenhower and Suez’, Sean Jacob’s paper ‘Skilful handling: Menzies and the West New Guinea dispute’ (begins 29:25), and Elizabeth Buchanan’s paper ‘Menzies and the Antarctic Treaty’ (begins 42:44).
Dr Bob Bowker is the author of Australia, Menzies and Suez: Australian Policymaking on the Middle East Before, During and After the Suez Crisis. He is also the co-editor, with Matthew Jordan, of Australia and the Suez Crisis 1950-1957, an edited volume of 449 official documents outlining the Australian approach to and role in the crisis. Bob is a specialist on the Middle East and Islamic issues and a former Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at ANU. Prior to this, he served with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, undertaking five postings in the Middle East, including as Australian Ambassador to Jordan (1989-92) and as Australian Ambassador to Egypt (2005-08).
Sean Jacobs is a Port Moresby-born Australian writer, government relations and policy specialist. He has worked with all levels of government in PNG, Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. He currently works in local government in Australia. Sean is the author of three books, and has published with the Diplomatic Courier, International Affairs Review, Small Wars Journal, The Spectator and the Australian Institute of International Affairs. He is a graduate of Griffith and Macquarie Universities.
Dr Elizabeth Buchanan is a 1st Sea Lord (1SL) Five Eyes Fellow for the Royal Navy. She is a Non-resident Fellow of the Modern War Institute at West Point Military Academy and an Adjunct Fellow of the Griffith Asia Institute. Dr Buchanan was a Lecturer of Strategic Studies with Deakin University at the Australian War College, Canberra. Her research interests include Arctic and Antarctic geopolitics, and her PhD thesis examined Russian Arctic strategy.

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

In this special summer series of the Afternoon Light podcast you can enjoy the presentations delivered at our November 2023 conference entitled ‘The Menzies Ascendency: Implementing a Liberal Agenda and Consolidating Gains 1954-1961’. This second episode features David Lee’s paper ‘The Menzies Government and the Origins of Australia’s Open Economy, 1956-61’, Selwyn Cornish’s paper ‘RG Menzies and the Creation of the Reserve Bank of Australia’ (begins 16:44), and Paul Brown’s paper on ‘Alick Downer’s Immigration Program’ (begins 44:02).
David Lee is Associate Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Canberra. He is the author inter alia of John Curtin, Connor Court, 2022 and The Second Rush: Mining and the Transformation of Australia, Connor Court, 2016.
Selwyn Cornish is Honorary Associate Professor in the Research School of Economics at the Australian National University, and the Official Historian of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
Dr Paul Brown is a published author awarded a Bachelor of Arts (History Honours) at the University of NSW for a thesis on the Balfour Declaration and Palestine 1917 and a Doctorate from the University of Wollongong for his study of Alexander Downer’s Formative Family Policy Influences. He has also contributed to various publications including the chapter ‘The Progressive Conservatism of Alexander Downer’ in Greg Melleuish’s study Liberalism and Conservatism. He has also given papers at history conferences.

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023

In this special summer series of the Afternoon Light podcast you can enjoy the presentations delivered at our November 2023 conference entitled ‘The Menzies Ascendency: Implementing a Liberal Agenda and Consolidating Gains 1954-1961’. This first episode features the keynote address delivered by Paul Kelly, Anne Henderson’s paper on ‘Menzies, Evatt, and the Labor Split’ (begins at 21:55), and Paul Strangio’s paper on ‘The Labor split in Victoria: The bedrock of Menzies’s ascendancy’ (begins at 38:47).
Paul Kelly is The Australian newspaper’s Editor at Large. He is the author of nine books on Australian politics and history including the influential The End of Certainty: Power, Politics and Business in Australia (1992) and Triumph & Demise: The Broken Promise of a Labor Generation (2014), his account of the Rudd–Gillard era. He co-wrote The Dismissal: In the Queen's name (2015) with Troy Bramston.
Anne Henderson AM is the Deputy Director of the Sydney Institute. She is a prolific and respected author, having published books on Enid Lyons, Joseph Lyons, Mary Mackillop, Patrick Glynn and more. In 2014 she published Menzies at War, a detailed account of Menzies’s years in the political wilderness between his two stints as prime minister, which was shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Award for History. Earlier this year, she published Menzies Versus Evatt: The Great Rivalry of Australian Politics.
Professor Paul Strangio is an Emeritus Professor of politics in the School of Social Sciences at Monash University. A political historian, he is the author and editor of twelve books on Australian politics. His specialist areas of research are political leadership and political parties. Paul has also been a longtime commentator on Australian and Victorian politics in both the print and electronic media.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

Arguably no figure in Australian political history was as divisive as NSW Premier Jack Lang. To admirers, he was the man who stood up to a conspiracy of the British banks to protect poor Australians during the Great Depression. To detractors, he was a man who eschewed the basic principles of economics and morality, and brought Australian democracy to the brink of destruction. Dismissed by the Governor for ordering public servants to directly disobey federal law, he blew up the Labor Party which would spend years trying to stitch itself back together. Joining us to discuss Lang’s remarkable and destructive story is David Clune, author of the Australian Biographical Monograph of Jack Lang.
Dr David Clune OAM was the NSW Parliament’s Historian and is currently an Honorary Associate in the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney. He has written extensively about NSW politics and history, and is the author of the Australian Biographical Monograph Series entries for Jack Lang, William McKell, and Neville Wran.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

Harold Holt is best remembered for his disappearance off Cheviot beach on 17 December 1967 – which has been the subject of conspiracy theories, documentaries, a docudrama, and these days even a meme page. Lost under all this sensationalism is that fact that he was a remarkable figure in Australian politics for many decades before the incident. A protege of Robert Menzies but a moderniser in his own right, he left an enduring legacy across the arts, Australia-US relations, and as the prime minister who delivered the 1967 referendum. Joining us to discuss Holt’s life and career is biographer Ross Walker, author of Harold Holt: Always One Step Further.
Ross Walker was for many years a high-school teacher of English and English Literature, about which he has published several books and many articles. He has a doctorate in American literature, and specialised knowledge of Australian and American politics, especially during the 1960s.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

Although he came awfully close to winning the 1961 election, Arthur Calwell is generally remembered as one of the least successful Opposition Leaders of all time. He shares a distinction with H.V. Evatt in having lost three separate elections, and is often viewed as the last embodiment of old-style Labor politics before Gough Whitlam’s modernisation of the party. However, this depiction overlooks a significant contribution to the Australian nation, most notably as the first Minister for Immigration. While remaining a staunch supporter of White Australia, Calwell oversaw the inauguration of the great post war migration boom that laid the basis for our modern multicultural nation. Joining us to discuss Calwell’s life and contribution is James Franklin, co-author of a new entry in the Australian Biographical Monographs series.
Want to learn more? Read our Book of the Week entry for Calwell’s memoir Be Just and Fear Not.
James Franklin is an Honorary Professor at UNSW, and the co-author of the new Australian Biographical Monograph on Labor Leader Arthur Calwell. He is an expert in the philosophy of mathematics and Australian Catholic history. James’s previous books include Corrupting the Youth: A History of Philosophy in Australia, The Real Archbishop Mannix (with Gerry O Nolan), and Catholic Thought and Catholic Action. He is also the editor of the Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society.

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